Contains all the important information needed to make an informed decision about joining Future Super.
Contains important information about Future Super, as well as additional information about superannuation and tax.
Identifies the target market for the Future Super accumulation products.
Contains important information about the insurance offerings available to Future Super members.
Contains important information about who we are and your rights as a client.
Complete this form to become a member of the Future Super fund.
Send this to your employer if they need a letter confirming that we're a complying fund that will accept employer contributions.
Complete this form if you are already a member of the Future Super fund, and would like to rollover some money from another super fund into your Future Super account.
Please note: If you rollover your entire balance, your other super account will automatically be closed, and any insurance attached to your account will be cancelled. You will no longer be able to file a notice of intent to claim or vary a deduction for any personal super contributions made to your other account once it is exited.
You can use this form to ask your employer to pay your super contributions into your Future Super account. We've pre-filled this version with Future Super's details to make things faster for you.
Complete this form if you are intending to make a spouse, child or downsizer contribution to your account.
Complete this form if you would like to access death, total permanent disablement, or income protection insurance through your Future Super account. Please contact us for a quote.
Complete this form if you would like to transfer your current insurance coverage from another fund to your Future Super account. Please note that insurance cover transferred from another provider will be subject to premiums set by AIA Australia. Please contact us for a quote.
Complete this form to nominate who you would like to receive the funds in your Future Super account in the case of your death.
The Trustee must consider your nomination but is not bound to follow it. The Trustee has the discretion to pay to any one or more of your dependants or your Legal Personal Representative.
Complete this form to nominate who will receive the funds in your Future Super account in the case of your death.
Please note that due to the legally binding nature of this document, it must comply with strict requirements to be applied as a Binding Non-Lapsing Nomination. Please read the information contained in the form carefully to ensure your nomination is valid.
In particular, please adhere to the following:
Complete this form if you would like to withdraw funds from your account. If the form is not completed correctly, or information is missing, this may delay your withdrawal - so we ask that you read the requirements in the form and fill it out carefully to help us process your request as quickly as possible.
Please note that withdrawing funds may affect the amount of personal contributions available to claim as a tax deduction. If you withdraw or roll out your entire balance, your Future Super account will automatically be closed, and any insurance attached to your account will be cancelled. You will no longer be able to file a Notice of intent to claim or vary a deduction for personal super contributions form for contributions made to your Future Super account once it is exited, and/or contributions that have been transferred to another account or fund.
Complete this form if you would like to access all or some of your super money as you are unable to work due to a medical condition.
Complete this form to update your personal details with Future Super.
Complete this form to split your superannuation contributions with your spouse.
Complete this form if you are intending to make a withdrawal from your Future Super account on the grounds of terminal illness release.
Complete this form if you are a dependant of a deceased member of Future Super and would like to make a claim for a death benefit.
Complete this form if you would like a Third Party to have access to your account details and information. The TPA form must have the member's wet ink signature (signed with a pen) and/or be sent with a certified copy of the member's photo ID.
Use this Fact Sheet to understand the types of documents that we can accept as proof of your identity and what you need to do to ensure that they are certified correctly.
To access some or all of your super due to severe financial hardship, please read this information carefully.
If you wish to apply for an account-based pension with Future Super, please fill out this form.
Contains all the important information needed to make an informed decision about joining the Future Super pension product.
Contains important information about who we are and your rights as a client.
Complete this form if you are already a member of the Future Super fund, and would like to rollover some money from another super fund into your Future Super account.
Please note: If you rollover your entire balance, your other super account will automatically be closed, and any insurance attached to your account will be cancelled. You will no longer be able to file a notice of intent to claim or vary a deduction for any personal super contributions made to your other account once it is exited.
Identifies the target market for the Future Super Pension Plan.
Complete this form to nominate who will receive the funds in your Future Super account in the case of your death.
Please note that due to the legally binding nature of this document, it must comply with strict requirements to be applied as a Binding Non-Lapsing Nomination. Please read the information contained in the form carefully to ensure your nomination is valid.
In particular, please adhere to the following:
Complete this form if you would like to withdraw funds from your account. If the form is not completed correctly, or information is missing, this may delay your withdrawal - so we ask that you read the requirements in the form and fill it out carefully to help us process your request as quickly as possible.
Complete this form to update your personal details with Future Super.
Send this to your employer if they need a letter confirming that we're a complying fund that will accept employer contributions.
You can use this form to ask your employer to pay your super contributions into your Future Super account. We've pre-filled this version with Future Super's details to make things faster for you.
Sets out the rules we follow as a super fund, and what the trustee can and can't do.
Sets out the rules we follow as a super fund, and what the trustee can and can't do.
Sets out the rules we follow as a super fund, and what the trustee can and can't do.
Sets out the rules we follow as a super fund, and what the trustee can and can't do.
Sets out the rules we follow as a super fund, and what the trustee can and can't do.
Information on our system for reporting, investigating, and handling wrongdoing.
You can complain to us at any time, and in any way.