Future Super invests for a fossil fuel free future. Fossil fuels are coal, oil and gas. Future Super sets a 0% threshold for direct exposure to fossil fuels in our investments, meaning all fossil fuel companies and investments are screened out. See How We Invest and our Screening Approach for further information.
We care about what kind of future your super investments deliver, so we choose renewables over fossil fuels, responsibility over a quick buck, and the future over now. Our investment strategy avoids what we believe to be harmful investments and uses the power of your money to invest in climate solutions and act on the issues of today.
Source: B Corp
Certifications are only one factor to be taken into account when deciding whether to invest in a financial product.
If you have a question about your super, we have the answer easily available and easy to understand.
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A super fund that members love.
The process was super easy. It literally took me about three minutes.
Grace V
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ProductReview.com.auThese reviews are selected from ProductReview.com.au. We have not taken your personal financial objectives, situation or needs into account. We recommend you read our Product Disclosure Statement and consider seeking financial advice when deciding if Future Super is right for you. You should consider the different fees and costs, amount of insurance cover offered and any other relevant information before deciding to transfer your super.